Recognizing and Managing Fatigue in the
Occupational Therapists' Workplace
Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists
with support from Alberta Ministry of Jobs, Skills, Training, and Labour,
Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Program Development
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Tired? Have a seat and let's talk about occupational therapists' fatigue in the workplace
Did you know :
Fatigue in the healthcare workplace is to a large part unaddressed in Canada. The problem is significant. Occupational therapists experience workplace fatigue and stress at increasing numbers. Preventing and reducing workplace fatigue affects the health of therapists, their families and their clients. It is both a professional responsibility and a regulatory requirement to manintain fitness for practice.
Public awareness of the significant consequences of working fatigues is very low. Chronic sleep deprivation and daytime fatigue are risk factors for other serious health conditions (such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, depression and aggression) that can also contribute to unsafe workplaces. Fatigue and sleep deprivation leads to decreased insight, poor problem solving and increased risk taking, all factors contributing to unsafe workplaces.
Occupational therapists work closely with vulnerable populations in a variety of settings and need to be physically, emotionally and cognitively health to be effectibe and safe in their work and to prevent additional harm as a result of poor decision-making under the influence of fatigue and sleep deprivation.
It's time to learn more and take action.