Recognizing and Managing Fatigue in the
Occupational Therapists' Workplace
Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists
with support from Alberta Ministry of Jobs, Skills, Training, and Labour,
Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Program Development

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Organizational and management resources
Employers have a duty of care to provide safe, health workplaces. While traditionally this mandate has focused on physical safety, there is increasing emphasis on the psychological and emotionally aspects of work that influence health and safety. Addressing workplace fatigue is a shared responsibility between individual occupational therapists, organizations and legislators. Effective interventions to reduce or eliminate workplace fatigue can occur at all levels: environmental, personal, care team, managerial and policy maker/funding agency.
The following list identifies some of the resources that managers and organizations can draw on to create workplaces that recognize the significance pf workplace fatigue and take real action to reduce and remediate the associated risks to worker, patient, and the organization as a whole. Other resources that may be relevant depending on the worksite can accessed on the Personal Resources and Policy/Governance Resources pages of this website.

These recommendations were developed specifically for occupational therapists during the creation of this SAOT educational resource
The Leading Resilience and Being Resilient Toolkit from the British Nottinghamshire NHS Health Trust provides numerous resources for managers to help employees and employers work together to recognize, discuss and address workplace factors that impact resiliency and fatigue in the workplace
Escheleman et al (2014) Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (2014), 87, 579–598. Creative activity was positively associated with recovery experiences (i.e., mastery, control, and relaxation) and performance-related outcomes (i.e., job creativity and extra-role behaviours).
the Enough Workplace Stress:Organizing for Change document written by CUPE) provides a useful questionnaire to help identify potential fatiguing elements in the workplace. A great tool to open a dialogue between all stakeholders