Recognizing and Managing Fatigue in the
Occupational Therapists' Workplace
Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists
with support from Alberta Ministry of Jobs, Skills, Training, and Labour,
Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Program Development
(To view all of the features and resources please access the site with a PC or laptop)
Fatigue in the occupational therapist workplace-
What is it? Why does it matter? What can we do?
This series of learning modules will help you understand what workplace fatigue is, the significant impact it can have on patients/clients, therapists, their familes, their co-workers and the organization. There are also modules outlining workplace fatigue reduction strategies at both the therapist and the organizational level. Each module consists of a 5 minute YouTube clip and a companion downloadable summary of the module's content.
What is workplace fatigue? Why does it matter?
1- What is workplace fatigue?
2- Impact on clients- (ethics & prejudice)
3- Impact on clients (safety & decision-making)
4-Impact on OTs
5- Impact on the organization
6- Impact on OTs in Alberta
What factors increase the risk of occupational therapists workplace fatigue?
9-Compassion fatigue
10-Resource limitation
11-Vicarious trauma
12-Role ambiguity/erosion
13-Balancing family and work
14-Sleep deficiency
15- Private practice
Managing WorkPlace Fatigue- A Shared Responsibility
16- Advocacy
17 - Legislation
18- Risk assessment and fatigue
risk management planning
19- Bright light therapy
20- Appreciative inquiry
21 -Sleep and building resiliency
22- Attention Restoration theory
23- Noise reduction
Youtube presentation and summary authors: Kylee Apers, Michelle Barrette, Cary Brown , Amy Dobrowolski, Christie Fernando, Samantha Greensides, Alexandra Hampson, Erin Harris, Lindsay Hoehne, Kayla Hughes, April Johnson, Megan Martineau, Alana Murphy, Karen Nabuurs, Shauna Panton, Lisa Pashniak, Carmen Reid, Annette Rivard, Kristina Ruttan, Selina Spessot, Natasha Till, Tara Young