Recognizing and Managing Fatigue in the
Occupational Therapists' Workplace
Society of Alberta Occupational Therapists
with support from Alberta Ministry of Jobs, Skills, Training, and Labour,
Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Program Development

(To view all of the features and resources please access the site with a PC or laptop)
"There is no clear correlation that knowing how to take care of oneself
and actually caring for oneself are related"
Jacobson (2006) J Workplace Behav Health
Click on the blue chair for a definition of occupational therapists' workplace fatigue - (adopted from the Canadian Nursing Association Position Statement on Workplace Fatigue 2012)
Click on the red chair for a series of 5 minute eduational YouTube clips explaining:
what workplace fatigue is,
risk factors for occupational therapists,
resources, and
fatigue management strategies.
Provide Evidence-base
Click on the green chair for links to key evidence-based publications outlining
the impact of healthcare workers' workplace fatigue. When possible we have provided open-access links.
Take Action
Click on the yellow chair for links to resources at the personal, organizational and governance levels.
Occupational therapists are very skilled at helping our clients achieve fulfilling, healthy lifestyles. Unfortunately, like many other heathcare professionals, we often don't give ourselves the same help. But we are fast learners and good problem solvers- so lets get started.
The links on this page will take you to a widely distributed, evidence-based definition of healthcare worker fatigue in the workplace published by the Canadian Nursing Association Position Statement "Taking Action on Nurse Fatigue" (2012) . This is a useful tool to share with co-workers and interdisciplinary teams who need to understand the scope and impact of workplace fatigue.
This page also has links to important resources:
to assess your level of workplace fatigue
outlining workplace fatigue legislation, regulations and guidelines
to help you understand more about what factors contribute to workplace fatigue
to provide the evidence-based impact of workplace fatigue on you and your family, your clients, and your organization.
to help you raise awareness amongst your co-workers and management about the need for workplace fatigue risk reduction.